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Fut hair transplant

fut hair transplantTRANSPLANT FINANCE AVAILABLEAlthough there are many treatments available for hair loss when it comes to hair transplants one of the most popular and common treatments available is what is known as a fut hair transplant or to give the procedure it’s full name Follicular Unit Transplant.

Fut hair transplant – what is it?

An Fut hair transplant is just one of the many procedures we carry out at our hair loss clinic here in Glasgow. It is also just one of the many hair transplant procedures we practice in as well. The technical aspects are really not as much of a mystery as one might think, firstly from the natural donor area we will remove a very small amount of hair, these are known as groupings and are called follicular units, grafts are then created under microscopic magnification which allows to keep the natural groupings intact, once the grafts are created tiny micro incisions are done directly onto the bald area, this in turn creates a pattern and distribution very similar to what would be happening naturally.  This procedure is very safe and highly successful if carried out by a highly skilled surgeon, which you will find available at our state of the art clinic. We have seen the fut hair transplant procedure being highly successful in both male and female patients alike.

Fut hair transplant – is it suitable for me?

Like all our hair loss treatments some are best suited to patients better than others. If it is recommended that a hair transplant is best suited to your needs then a Fut hair transplant is certainly one that should be considered. However before any decision can be taken an initial consultation will need to be carried out which is why we have made this first step really easy and absolutely FREE. Simply call one of our experienced staff on 0141 280 2656 and arrange an appointment with our fully trained and qualified trichologist.