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In general a receding hairline comes with age. With it being most common in men than women. Both men and women by the age of around 36 will begin to experience a bit of hair loss but don’t worry it’s not all bad since there are a couple of ways to tackle any hair loss issue. For some of us a receding hairline is genetically acquired from our parents. Other causes such as diets, infections, using chemical hair products or stress are causes that are preventable and can be completely avoidable.

Receding hairline – things to look at

Our bodies need to take in the right amount of vitamins. A poor diet can sometimes project poor health in hair follicles, remember the body needs to consume different vitamins so stick to eating varied, healthy nutritious food.

The use of chemicals on the hair can be a factor as well so avoid performing these by yourself best you consult a licensed hair stylist as you might over apply these chemicals which can be dangerous to your hair follicles.

Ask your beautician or hair salon about scalp messaging as this can enhance blood flow to your hair follicles. For men with longer hair try avoiding binding your hair for long periods of time because this will pull the hair out damaging your follicles in the process.

Receding hairline – does stress play a part?

Stress is counted as one of the major causes of receding hairline. If anyone experiences a high level of emotional stress for a long period of time then this can lead to hair loss.

Other situations where stress can play a major part in hair loss is when someone experiences a sudden disease or after undergoing surgery as this can lead to the body being strained because the nutrients needed by your body are not supported or are quite simply not enough.

Being stressed can also lead to alopecia a major cause of hair loss. Medical treatments such as for cancer are also a main contributor to hair loss

So if you do appear to have a receding hairline and have tried some of the natural ways to grow back your hair and it’s not entirely working this is when it might be advisable to seek professional help. Like our clinic in Glasgow where we are specialists in this field and offer a FREE consultation offering the best advice for each individual case call today or bookmark this blog for future help and advice.