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Instant Results Hair Transplant

The biofibre hair transplant is the quickest and most natural hair transplant as the hair is threaded into the scalp within a few hours.  If you are suffered from scalp conditions, this may not be the best treatment for you, however, let’s talk to find out and discuss your options.

The high-density hair is a joy to most patients, they cannot believe that they have the appearance of natural looking thicker hair within hours of sitting in the treatment seat.  We have clinics throughout the UK and all our staff will put you at ease and answer the questions you will have, our aftercare service is also very good.  At no point will you be left wondering what to do about your recent hair transplant.

The biofibre hair transplant is ideal if you are time limited and need results quickly, there are plenty of options such as Laser Hair Transplant, Male Pattern Hair Loss, Female Pattern Hair Loss and Non-Surgical Hair Transplant, PRP Platelet Plasma Therapy and Alopecia.

Make Contact

To find out what your options are, pick up the phone and speak to us.  CLICK HERE to find your closest geographical clinic, type in the town / city into the search bar and your closest clinic information will appear.  If you call them, they will do their best to give you a FREE consultation that suits your diary.  If we cannot match when you are available, we will offer you alternatives.  Our Trichologist will assess your scalp and hair follicle, we will test the hair and then give you our assessment.

We will need to ask your medical history to gain an understanding of anything that may contribute to the hair loss.  We will be able to help you, so make the appointment and meet with our specialists to discuss your best options.
